
New Feature: Personalised Notifications for Personal Trainers!

In the realm of fitness and personal training, staying updated with your clients’ progress is crucial. The Workout Coach, a renowned free software for Personal Trainers, has just rolled out an exciting new feature that’s set to revolutionize the way trainers interact with their clients’ workout achievements.

Tailored Notifications: Keeping PTs in the Loop!

Personal Trainers (PTs) now have the option to receive notifications whenever their clients complete an exercise program that they have set. This feature is designed to enhance the connection between trainers and their clients, ensuring PTs are always in the know about their clients’ accomplishments.

How Does It Work?

  1. Customisable Alerts: PTs can choose to activate or deactivate notifications for each client. This means you receive alerts only for the clients you’re closely monitoring.
  2. Real-Time Updates: As soon as a client completes a program, PTs receive a notification, providing immediate insight into the client’s adherence and progress.
  3. Client’s Exercise Summary: Notifications include a brief summary of the completed program, offering PTs a quick glance at what was accomplished.
  4. Seamless Integration: This feature is fully integrated with the existing client management tools within The Workout Coach, maintaining a streamlined experience for PTs.

Benefits for Personal Trainers

  • Enhanced Engagement: Stay engaged with your clients’ fitness journeys, even remotely.
  • Motivation Boost: Acknowledging your clients’ achievements can be a significant motivator for them.
  • Efficient Tracking: Save time by not having to manually check each client’s progress.
  • Personalized Coaching: Use the data from completed programs to tailor future training sessions.

Putting You in Control

We understand that every trainer has a unique style of coaching. This feature puts you in complete control – choose to be notified for all clients, some, or none. Tailor the app to suit your coaching approach and preferences.

How to Get Started?

It’s easy! The feature is already available in the latest update of The Workout Coach. Simply go to your Clients > Manage Clients settings, and you’ll find the option to manage your notification preferences in the dropdown at the bottom of the page.


This new feature is a testament to The Workout Coach’s commitment to making personal training as effective and interactive as possible. Whether you prefer to be intricately involved in your client’s day-to-day progress or want occasional updates, this feature is designed to cater to your professional needs. Embrace the future of personal training with The Workout Coach! 🏋️‍♂️💪

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